
Netbackup bpflist command is difficult to get working, however I got the command working remembering a few options.

  • Recursion level (-rl 999)
  • Policy Type (-pt {NAME})
  • -option GET_ALL_FILES

Using bpflist to List UNIX files
# bpflist -d 01/15/2011  -client acme123456789  -rl 999 -option GET_ALL_FILES

Using bpflist to list files a Windows host
# bpflist -d 01/1/2011 -client acme123456789  -rl 999 -pt MS-Windows-NT  -option GET_ALL_FILES

Using bpflist to list files a from a SAP BACKUP
# bpflist -d 01/1/2011 -client acme123456789 -rl 999 -pt SAP -option GET_ALL_FILES

Valid Policy types in Netbackup 7.6
0 = Standard (UNIX)
4 = Oracle
6 = Informix-On-BAR
7 = Sybase
8 = MS-SharePoint
10 = NetWare
11 = DataTools-SQL-BackTrack
13 = MS-Windows
14 = OS/2
15 = MS-SQL-Server
16 = MS-Exchange-Server
17 = SAP
18 = DB2
19 = NDMP
20 = FlashBackup
21 = Split-Mirror
22 = AFS
25 = Lotus Notes
29 = FlashBackup-Windows
35 = NBU-Catalog
39 = Enterprise-Vault
40 = VMware
41 = MS-Hyper-V

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